Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sunlight's Kiss

This is another work from Octavio Ocampo. It is a very successful use of the "negative" space along with a simple use of basically two colors.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

This is an image done by Octavio Ocampo that is really totally different when you look carefully up-close. Most of his works are done in this manner and it is worth your while to seek out more of his work!

Monday, March 22, 2010

"Wind" sculpture

Last semester my 3-D class made abstract sculptures useing a special plaster. We made molds useing old milk cartons then carved with anything we could find. I used a drill, files, a chisel and plaster screen for sanding.

Fix Me

This is a drawing I made back in my Drawing II class. I made using charcoal stick, pencil, a kneaded eraser and rag for blending. We were supposed to create an image that appeared "flat".

Spiral Jetty

This is a jetty created by Robert Smithson in Utah. I will be researching it for my Art History class in the upcoming weeks. It's part of a group of creations known as "Earth Works" that are created useing the environment and are meant to be "temporary" and "ever-changeing".

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Thought of the Moment

Once in a while I come across a joke or "one-liner" that is just too good not to share. Over the course of this semester, I would like to post a few beginning with this one. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
If God is watching us, the least we can do is be entertaining.

Monday, February 8, 2010

"Still Life to Go"

This oil painting is from my painting I class from last semester. The assignment is called a "still life to go" because we were to fill a shoe box full of odds and ends and zoom in on a small area we found most interesting, grid it,draw it and eventually paint it as realistically as possible. Some of my classmates chose crazy objects, but I decided to "raid" my garden shed for more organic pieces. The bird is actually a weathered outdoor faucet that I really like.

chinese box

This drawing of a "take out" box is one of my favorite drawings that I did back in drawing I. I created it using graphite pencil, a kneaded eraser, and rag for blending.